Amiga Plus 2002 #11
Amiga Plus CD - 2002 - No. 11.iso
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Text File
233 lines
" the following use the primitives interfacing to the plot(3)"
" routines. "
" pen - a simple drawing instrument "
Class Pen :Object
! title x y angle width height fpen bpen !
movePlotEnvBy: deltaPoint
<primitive 169 2 title (deltaPoint x) (deltaPoint y)>.
^ self
setLineType: bitPattern
<primitive 179 bitPattern>.
^ self
drawText: text at: aPoint
<primitive 178 text (aPoint x) (aPoint y) fpen bpen>.
x <- (aPoint x).
y <- (aPoint y).
^ self
drawBox: fromPoint to: toPoint
<primitive 175 (fromPoint x) (fromPoint y) (toPoint x) (toPoint y)>.
x <- (toPoint x).
y <- (toPoint y).
^ self
drawCircleAt: aPoint radius: r
<primitive 174 (aPoint x) (aPoint y) r>.
x <- (aPoint x).
y <- (aPoint y). "Leave us at the center of the circle."
^ self
circleRadius: rad "Draw a circle centered at current location."
<primitive 174 x y rad>.
^ self
drawTo: aPoint
<primitive 172 (aPoint x) (aPoint y)>.
x <- (aPoint x).
y <- (aPoint y).
^ self
goTo: aPoint
<primitive 171 (aPoint x) (aPoint y)>.
x <- aPoint x.
y <- aPoint y.
^ self
drawLine: fromPoint to: toPoint
<primitive 177 (fromPoint x) (fromPoint y) (toPoint x) (toPoint y)>.
x <- (toPoint x).
y <- (toPoint y).
^ self
drawPoint: aPoint
<primitive 173 (aPoint x) (aPoint y)>.
x <- (aPoint x).
y <- (aPoint y).
^ self
direction "Which way are we going?"
^ angle
direction: radians "Set the direction to go."
angle <- radians.
^ self
erase "Blank out the Current PlotEnv Window."
<primitive 170>.
^ self
extent "Tell User how large the Plot area is."
^ width @ height
location "Tell User where the pen is."
^ x @ y
^ title
center "goTo the center of the Plot region."
self goTo: (width / 2) @ (height / 2).
^ self
tellPens "Tell User which pens are being used."
^ fpen @ bpen.
^ self
setPens: penSet "penSet is of Class Point (front @ back)."
<primitive 176 (penSet x) (penSet y)>.
fpen <- (penSet x).
bpen <- (penSet y).
^ self
go: anAmount ! newx newy !
(angle isKindOf: Radian)
ifTrue: [newx <- ((angle sin) * anAmount) rounded + x.
newy <- ((angle cos) * anAmount) rounded + y
ifFalse: [newx <- (((angle radians) sin) * anAmount) rounded + x.
newy <- (((angle radians) cos) * anAmount) rounded + y
self drawTo: newx @ newy. "go: leaves drawn pixels as it moves."
^ self
turn: addedRadians
angle <- angle + addedRadians.
^ self
title <- 'Unknown Plot'.
angle <- Radian new: 0.
x <- 160.
y <- 100.
width <- 320.
height <- 200.
fpen <- 1.
bpen <- 0.
^ self
new: newPlotTitle "We want a unique Plot Title!"
(newPlotTitle isKindOf: String)
ifTrue: [ title <- newPlotTitle ]
ifFalse: [ title <- 'Unknown Plot'].
angle <- Radian new: 0.
x <- 160.
y <- 100.
width <- 320.
height <- 200.
fpen <- 1.
bpen <- 0.
^ self
openPlotEnv: sizePoint ! nx ny !
nx <- sizePoint x.
ny <- sizePoint y.
(<primitive 169 1 title nx ny> == true)
ifFalse: [ self error: 'openPlotEnv ', title, ' did NOT open!'.
^ nil
ifTrue: [ angle <- Radian new: 0.
x <- (nx / 2).
y <- (ny / 2).
width <- nx.
height <- ny.
^ self
closePlotEnv: whichPlotTitle
(<primitive 169 0 whichPlotTitle> == true)
ifFalse: [self error: 'PlotEnv ',whichPlotTitle,' did NOT close!'.
^ self
^ nil
" FormPen - a collection of lines "
" I don't think this class will work as written (JTS)"
Class FormPen :Pen
! lines !
lines <- Bag new
add: startingPoint to: endingPoint "Methinks this is broken:"
lines add: ( Point new ; x: startingPoint ; y: endingPoint ).
^ self
with: aPen displayAt: location ! xOffset yOffset sPoint ePoint !
xOffset <- (location x).
yOffset <- (location y).
lines do: [:pair |
sPoint <- (pair x).
ePoint <- (pair y).
aPen goTo: (sPoint x + xOffset) @ (sPoint y + yOffset).
aPen drawTo: (ePoint x + xOffset) @ (ePoint y + yOffset).
^ self
" SavePen - a way to save the drawings made by a pen "
Class SavePen :FormPen
! saveForm !
setForm: aForm
saveForm <- aForm.
^ self
goTo: aPoint
super goTo: aPoint.
saveForm add: (self location) to: aPoint.
super goTo: aPoint.
^ self
" ShowPen - show off some of the capabilities of pens."
Class ShowPen :Object
! bic !
withPen: aPen "aPen has to be init'd & open before using these methods."
bic <- aPen.
^ self
poly: nSides length: length
nSides timesRepeat: [ bic go: length.
bic turn: (6.2831853 / nSides) "2 PI"
^ self
spiral: n angle: a
(1 to: n) do: [:i | bic go: i. bic turn: a].
^ self